Structuring your JSON Definition File
Description of information constituting the Definition File
To create a Custom Table of your Data Model, it will be necessary to define its structure through a JSON file.
This JSON file must contain a wide range of information. Some of these pieces of information are mandatory, others are optional. Moreover, they might have to follow specific criteria, either for their type or for possible values.
Parameters used to define the identity of your table (display and technical name, entity,...) can be specified directly, while parameters defining the behavior of your table will be structured as arrays.
The table below provides comprehensive explanations about the various parameters constituting your JSON file.
Parameter description table
Parameter |
Explanation about expected information |
Type |
Mandatory or Optional ? |
Further comments and constraints |
id |
ID for this table |
String |
Optional |
If empty, ACTITO will automatically generate this ID |
businessKey |
Name of the attribute which identifies the primary key of the table |
String |
Mandatory |
This attribute must be found in the definition file. This field must be unique and Mandatory. |
technicalName |
Technical name of the table, used for any reference
to this table (e.g. when exporting) |
String |
Mandatory |
Max. number of caracters: 64 |
userName |
Name given to the table, which will be used in the
interface |
String |
Optional |
If empty, technicalName will be used by default in the interface |
prettyNameExpression |
Display name of the data source |
String |
Optional |
Only for 'Repository' tables |
entityName |
Name of the entity to which the table belongs |
String |
Mandatory |
Illustration des paramètres d'identification
"id" (string, optional): " " ,
"businessKey" (string): " " ,
"technicalName" (string): " " ,
"userName" (string, optional): " " ,
"prettyNameExpression" (string, optional): " " ,
"entityName" (string): " " ,
capabilityDTOs |
Mandatory |
Type(s) of capabilities granted to the table. See page 'Understanding Table Capabilities' for a detailed explanation of this parameter. |
name |
Name of the capability granted to your table |
Possible values: "Lookup table", "EventGeneratedTable", "Interaction", "ProfileData" |
Illustration capabilityDTOs
(Array[Capability], optional):
[ { "name" (string): " 'LookupTable' , 'EventGeneratedTable',
'Interaction' , 'ProfileData' "
} ], |
defaultFetchingParameters |
Optional |
It is possible to specify how the table data will be sorted by default. This will influence the customization of messages when the 'default mode' is chosen as customization source (e-mail or SMS). |
keyAttribute |
Name of the field on which the sorting will be done |
String |
Optional |
ascending |
Sorting order: Ascending or Descending |
Boolean |
Optional |
"False" means Descending order and is the default value |
sortingKey |
Name of the attribute used as sorting criterion |
String |
Optional |
maxNumberOfRecords |
Maximum number of record entries given |
Long |
Optional |
The default value is 1 |
Illustration defaultFetchingParameters
(Array[FetchingParameters], optional):
[ { "keyAttribute" (string, optional): " " ,
"ascending" (boolean, optional): ,
"sortingKey" (string, optional): " " ,
"maxNumberOfRecords" (long, optional):
} ], |
emails |
String |
Optional |
List of e-mail addresses to which technical reports will be sent (errors, warnings,...) |
Illustration emails
(Array[string], optional):
fields |
Mandatory |
Enumeration of attributes created in this table |
objectType |
Mandatory value to identify the type of object |
String |
Mandatory |
Only possible value: ['SIMPLE'] |
fieldName |
Name of the attribute |
String |
Mandatory |
Several technical words are reserved and cannot be used as "fieldName". |
columnName |
Technical value |
String |
Mandatory |
The value should be equal to the "fieldName" |
userName |
Display name of the attribute in ACTITO |
String |
Mandatory |
If empty, the "fieldName will be used |
type |
Type of the attribute |
String |
Mandatory |
extended |
Indicates if the attribute is an ID of
‘LookUp’ table (the ID will be
replaced) |
Boolean |
Optional |
required |
Indicates if the attribute is mandatory |
Boolean |
Optional |
unique |
Indicates if the attribute is unique |
Boolean |
Optional |
A unique field will be automatically indexed |
indexed |
Indicates if the table is indexed on this
attribute |
Boolean |
Optional |
cacheIndexed |
Provides a drop down list of possible inputs |
Boolean |
Optional |
Only available for attributes with the 'STRING' type Max. 10 000 possible values |
description |
Attribute description |
String |
Optional |
possibleValues |
Enumeration of possible values |
String |
Optional |
valueDisplayer |
Optional |
It is possible to request a type matching predefined attributes in ACTITO |
displayerType |
Name of the ACTITO displayer enabling the rendition of the field |
String |
Optional |
Possible values: ‘CivilState’, ’PersonTitle’, ’Gender’, ’Country’, ’Language' |
typeValidator |
Optional |
It is possible to request a type matching
predefined attributes in ACTITO |
objectType |
Name of the validator used to ensure data consistency |
String |
Optional |
minCharacters |
Minimum numbers of characters |
Long |
Optional |
Only if objectType = ’STRING_LENGTH’ |
maxCharacters |
Maximum numbers of characters |
Long |
Optional |
Only if objectType = ’STRING_LENGTH’ |
Illustration fields
(Array[PropertyWithInfoDTO], optional):
[ { "cacheIndexed" (boolean, optional): ,
"columnName" (string): ,
"type" (string) : "STRING" , "INTEGER" , "BOOLEAN" , "DATE" , "TIMESTAMP" , "NUMERIC" , "LONG"
"extended" (boolean, optional): ,
"fieldName" (string): " " ,
"indexed" (boolean, optional): ,
"objectType" (string): "SIMPLE" ,
"required" (boolean, optional): ,
"unique" (boolean, optional): ,
"userName" (string, optional): " " ,
"possibleValues" : (Array [String]) : ,
"description" : (string, optional): " " ,
(ValueDisplayerDTO, optional) : ,
{ "displayerType" : "CivilState" , "PersonTitle" , "Gender" , "Country" , "Language"
} , "typeValidator"
(AdvancedTypeValidator, optional) :
"minCharacters" (long, optional): ,
(integer, optional): : ,
} } ], |
layout |
Optional |
Layout of the table preview |
details |
Optional |
sections |
Optional |
fields |
String |
Optional |
name |
Section name |
String |
Mandatory |
list |
Optional |
fields |
Fields names |
String |
Optional |
This is where you should provide the list of attributes in the interaction summary, in the profile file (profile interaction tab) |
Illustration layout
"layout" (Layout, optional):
{ "details" (Details, optional):
{ "sections"
(Array[Section], optional):
[ { "fields"
(Array[string], optional): " " ,
"name" (string): " "
} ] } , "list" (FieldList, optional):
{ "fields"
(Array[string], optional):
} } |
links |
Optional |
definition of the link between this table and other tables (Profile tables or Repository tables) |
constraintType |
Behavior of the link when a profile is deleted |
String |
Optional |
linkName |
Name given to the link |
String |
Mandatory |
objectType |
Type of the linked table |
String |
Mandatory |
Possible values: 'PROFILE_LINK', 'DATA_SOURCE_LINK' |
sourceFieldName |
Name of the attribute in the source table |
String |
Mandatory |
This attribute must be present in the definition file. This attribute is mandatory and must be ‘indexed’. sourceFieldName and targetFieldName must share the same type. |
targetFieldName |
Name of the attribute in the linked table |
String |
Mandatory |
targetedEntityName |
Entity in which the table is |
String |
Optional |
targetedProfileTableName / targetedDataSourceName |
Name of linked table (profile or others) |
String |
Mandatory |
Illustration links
(Array[SimpleLinkDTO], optional):
[ { "constraintType" (string, optional): "none" , "onDeleteCascade" , "onDeleteSetNull" ,
"linkName" (string): " " ,
"objectType" (string): "PROFILE_LINK" , "DATA_SOURCE_LINK" ,
"sourceFieldName" (string): " " ,
"targetFieldName" (string): " " ,
"targetedEntityName" (string, optional): " " ,
"targetedProfileTableName" / "targetedDataSourceName" (string): " "
} ], |
tableEventDefinitions |
Optional |
Mandatory for ‘Interaction ’ table if you want to do scenarios. |
Only for "Interaction" tables:
This allows you to define ‘actions’
stored in this table which must trigger an event
used in ACTITO scenarios |
technicalName |
Technical name of this event |
String |
Mandatory |
userName |
Display name of this event (as it will appear in ACTITO) |
String |
Optional |
If empty, the technical name will be used by default |
tableEventConditionDefinitionDTOs |
Optional |
afterPredicate |
beforePredicate |
type |
Type of action which will create an action in ACTITO |
String |
Mandatory |
Illustration tableEventDefinitions
"tableEventDefinitions" : [
{ "technicalName" : "testEvent" ,
"userName" : "testEventDisplayName" ,
"tableEventConditionDefinitionDTOs" : [
{ "type" : "CREATE"
} ] } ] |
Illustration of a complete JSON file
The file below provides an illustration of the format taken by a file containing every possible parameter, alongside the expected values.
(string, optional):
" "
" "
" "
(string, optional):
" "
(string, optional):
" "
" "
(Array[Capability], optional):
" 'LookupTable' , 'EventGeneratedTable', 'Interaction' ,
'ProfileData', 'MultipleTargetingAllowed' "
(Array[FetchingParameters], optional):
(string, optional):
" "
(boolean, optional): ,
(string, optional):
" "
(long, optional):
(Array[string], optional):
(Array[PropertyWithInfoDTO], optional):
(boolean, optional): ,
(string): ,
(string) :
(boolean, optional): ,
" "
(boolean, optional): ,
(boolean, optional): ,
(boolean, optional): ,
(string, optional):
" "
: (Array [String]) :
(string, optional):
" "
(ValueDisplayerDTO, optional) : ,
(AdvancedTypeValidator, optional) :
(long, optional): ,
(long, optional): : ,
(Layout, optional):
(Details, optional):
(Array[Section], optional):
(Array[string], optional):
" "
" "
Field types
Depending on their types, the fields must follow specific constraints:
STRING: string of characters [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]
the default max number of characters for a STRING type is 255. It can be modified with a "typeValidator" parameter (see table above)
this type is depreciated but remains allowed in a table definition. It will be automatically transformed in type LONG
no space, dot or comma
maximum value: 2147483647
minimum value: -2147483647
maximum value: 2147483647
minimum value: -2147483647
no space, dot or comma
BOOLEAN: match one of the following values “true” or “false”
DATE: string of characters matching one of the following formats:
TIMESTAMP: string of characters matching one of the following formats:
dd/MM/yyyy *
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss
MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM|PM
* if no values are specified for "hhmmss", the values "00:00:00" will be added
separator must be '.'
no character amount limit
Good to know
In addition to general types, there are advanced types for specific fields, in order to ensure their format to match the format expected by ACTITO.
These are the following types: "EMAIL_ADDRESS","SEX","COUNTRY","LANGUAGE","PHONE_NUMBER","CIVIL_STATE". The syntax required for theses types is detailed in the "Using Predefined Attributes" page.
To make sure that fields of your table match one of these types, you will have to specify it in the "objectType" parameter.