ACTITO's aim is to offer you a wide range of connectivity options. Consequently, we particularly want to enable the exchange of data between ACTITO and other systems related to your activity.
The public APIs at your disposal therefore allow you to directly interact with ACTITO without having to go through the interface. With the help of web services, you will be able to call data stored in ACTITO retrieve these data. You will also be able to send data from your system towards ACTITO.
The ACTITO web services are more than a mere data exchange tool, as they enable you to activate the use of these data, but also to automatize their processing.
Access to Public APIs
ACTITO makes access to Webservices in 2 environments: a TEST environment and a PROD environment.
The technical documentation about these two environments is online and regularly updated.
The 'Webservices' section of the platform documentation is useful to get more business context, but the information regarding the set-up of calls may be outdated.
We invite you to consult the developers documentation for all technical matters.
Webservice account creation and authentication
The use of APIs requires authentication, specific and separated access account, different from the accounts used to access the platform.
There are currently two authentication systems in place:
HTTP basic authentication
API key-based authentication
Basic authentication
Basic authentication is done through a webservice account and a password. The webservice account is easy to spot and distinguish from a normal Actito account because it will always include the words "webservices" or "WS". You will receive your the information from your account manager or the support team.
When connecting, the user name is the license name followed by the webservice account, with the format license/WSaccount.
Next, the credentials must be encoded in base64 and with the following format: "userName:password".
For example, for the license "ActitoIODemo", with the webservice account "WebServices_test" and the password "NBCJD44DLFNX", the "Authorization" header in your call should be:
Basic base64(“ActitoIODemo/WebServices_test:NBCJD44DLFNX$”)
or directly in base64:
Basic QWN0aXRvSU9EZW1vL1dlYlNlcnZpY2VzX3Rlc3Q6TkJDSkQ0NERMRk5YJA==
Basic authentication is only available for our API's version 4 (cf. next section). That means that it will be depreciated in the future. The existing accounts using this type of authentication are still working as usual, but no new user can be created with this method. We recommend using API keys.
New access with basic authentication can still be granted for some connectors that require this kind of authentication. That's the case, for example, of our integration with Zapier.
API key-based authentication
It's the new protocol used to connect to Actito APIs. Through this method, it is possible to connect to both V4 and V5. The license's userAdmin can manage the API keys themselves (cf. Manage API users).
When setting up API calls, the API key is not directly used as an ID.
It is used to generate an access token with a limited duration (15 minutes) that must be included in all the calls.
For example, to generate a token in the TEST environment, the call would be
GET https://apitest.actito.com/auth/token
with the API key in the "Authorization" header.
'Authorization: qhdfbvdh747R49FRHrthqhdfbvdh74'
'Accept: application/json'
You will then get your token ("accesToken" in the response).
"read write"
The token is used for authenticating every call during the following 15 minutes. It must be passed as a Bearer authorization in every call.
"Authorization: Bearer
'Accept: application/json'
Public API versions
In Actito we are constantly working to improve our products and expand our integration platform.
That is the reason why we have launched the V5 of our public APIs to standardise and warrantee the coherence of our resources. All the novelties of the Actito API will be developed only in V5.
But that does not mean that V4 is depreciated! As for today, the two versions work and the depreciation of V4 will only be progressive. We would never stop supporting a version without letting you know well in advance so that could migrate all your code to the new version.
Version 4
V4 routes are accesible both through basic authentication and API key-based authentication. In the developers portal, all the routes that are not marked explicitly as V5 are V4. All the calls in this "business" documentation are V4.
The route to connect through "Basic Auth":
The route to connect through API key:
In the developers portal you will find the value for the variable ${env} depending on the environment you are in so that you can get the complete URL.
In "Basic Auth" the URL https://www.actito.be/ActitoWebServices/ws/v4 is still available.
Version 5
V5 routes are only accesible through API key authentication. All the V5 routes are explicitly marked as such. They are the latest additions to the Actito API library. These routes are not explained in this "business" documentation, but only in the developers portal.
The route to connect to V5:
In the developers portal you will find the value for the variable ${env} depending on the environment you are in so that you can get the complete URL.
As for the API key, the call to obtain an access token is the same one for both V4 and V5. It is always GET https://${env}.actito.com/auth/token
In the developers portal, every call can be directly tested through a form at the bottom of the page. A variable {env.domain} can be introduced to keep your version and your authentication mode in your version, as explained at the end of this page.
ACTITO Concepts available via Webservices
Each operation is grouped under a concept, which matches the ACTITO resource category to which the operation will be applied.
Each of these concepts may use one or more methods, according to its nature and to possible related operations.
To get to know the various concepts with which you can interact through the ACTITO APIs, we invite you to read the chapter dedicated to the 'Concepts Available via Webservices'.