Understanding Table Capabilities
The "Capability" of a Custom Table is one of its mains parameters.
It will determine the type of the table and its behavior.
In the JSON definition file used to build your table, the capability must be provided in the "capabilityDTOs" parameter.
Table capabilities
Interaction Custom Table
To create an Interaction custom table, you will have to give it:
The ‘Interaction’ capability: It will enable data of this table to be displayed in the ‘interaction’ tab of the profile sheet
This ‘Interaction’ capability cannot be used together with ‘LookupTable’ and ‘ProfileData’ capabilities.
The ‘EventGeneratedTable’ capability: Each time you add a line, an ‘event’ will be created in ACTITO, which enables you to trigger communications afterwards.
This capability is mandatory to make sure the table will appear in scenarios (Possible events must be specified).
Linked Data Custom Table
To create a Linked Data custom table, you will have to give it:
The ‘ProfileData’ capability: It enables data of this table to be displayed in the ‘Linked data’ tab of the profile sheet.
This 'ProfileData' capability cannot be combined with 'Interaction' and 'LookupTable' capabilities.
Repository Custom Table
To create a Repository custom table, you will have to give it:
The ‘LookupTable’ capability: It allows this table to be used in connection with other tables (Interaction, Linked data or Profile table)
This ‘LookupTable‘ capability cannot be used together with ‘ProfileData’ and ‘Interaction’ capabilities.
Table Index
When creating a new field, an index can be used to assist ACTITO in finding and classifying data quicker.
What is the index?
An index stores location of records based on fields which have been indexed. Once ACTITO has found the location with the help of the index, the data can be extracted by directly accessing the appropriate location. In this way, finding data will be significantly quicker when using the index.
It is therefore useful to index fields on which searches, sorting or targeting are frequently executed, or on any field associated to other tables (link key with the other tables).
For example, it is relevant to index the following fields of a table: business key + foreign key + creation date.
While indexes facilitate search and targeting, they can also slow down performance when creating or updating data.
In such cases, all table indexes will indeed have to be updated by ACTITO. Consequently, the number of indexed fields in a table should be limited.
A custom table cannot exceed 15 indexed fields.
Please note that a "unique" field will be automatically indexed and that the fields "id", "creationMoment" and "updateMoment" will be automatically created and indexed by default.